
 February 1st

Rest day today as bean quite busy the last few days. Of course a bit of knitting. 

Luna seemed a bit strange today after the common walk. She was very unsettled all day and night time. She kept going from her basket to me, then laying on the carpet. Not sure if she hurt some where or what, or bean bitten on the common? By early morning she had settled a lot better and had a good nights sleep. I was so pleased. 


Luna is ok again now and back to her usual self. I think she might have had a stomach ache as her poo was a bit weird looking. She was Running all over on the common as usual. One happy dog- one happy Mum.

I have starting knitting a pair of gloves with  4ply 100% wool, this is half the thickness of the DK weight I usually use. So its takes a lot longer to do. Andy's Mum gave me the wool last year. These should be really warm gloves. My plan is to knit up all the wool into gloves or mittens, for presents.   


Today I am at the hospital to see about my left wrist. I had a scan last year August 31st. The appointment I should have had in November, to see what was going on with my wrist was cancelled. Hopefully today I will find out what is wrong with it. My wrist got twisted while still in plaster, drying Luna's feet. I broke it in July 2023 tripping over a computer chair base. When the plaster was taken off, I told the Doctor about the twist. I thought they would Xray it, but he said there was no need. I did not agree. He said physio would strength it, and it would be fine. Lets see-- still hurts when I turn my wrist or wave  and is very weak, so eighteen months later it still is not right. He was wrong. 

I saw Doctor Corbin the top man. He said the ligament is quite badly torn and would need treatment or an operation. Other options include an steroid injection in to the ligament. This could have bean done today, but better with Ultrascan while injecting the wrist. More accurate he said, if this fails an operation will be done. At last I have an answer to my pain and weakness. 

I did tell him about my RSD and what happened when I had a steroid injection in my knee- June 19th 2019 after a operation for two Meniscus tears (May 1st 2019. My blood pressure shot up to 210 + over  100 + and stayed there. I felt very strange and the Nurse said I looked terrible. I was very nearly admitted to Kings Mill hospital where the injection and operation was done. I had to go to their A and E in a wheelchair with two nurse to see a doctor. My blood pressure went down a bit to 204 over 100 where it stuck again. Touch and go whether I went home today. He let me go after a lot of thinking. He did not want me even walking to the car, it had to be a wheelchair. Go home do nothing at all SIT DOWN. See your own Doctor to morrow, tell him its urgent. The A and E doctor said if I feel very unwell or things just do not feel right, go to Lincoln A and E straight away or call an ambulance.

Even the operation did not go smooth either. I was supposed to have day surgery but stayed in two nights because I had seizures.  

 My own Doctor the next day after the injection, wanted me to go on blood pressure tablets, but I said NO it was alright be for I had the injection, and will be soon again. Blood pressure 188 over 114. I had to have a twenty four hour blood pressure monitor a few days later. My blood pressure was perfect now. The Nurse said it was a lot better than hers.


A very frosty start to the day white over on the common. We did not see any one to talk to today. Luna had fun as usual running around and chasing the birds. We saw the two Canadian geese that settled and raised their chicks a few years ago. 15th May 2022. There has bean a lot of work done mostly dredging,  around the lakes so may be a bit unsettling for them. Hope they do stop and have more chicks here.

Just cleaning up down stairs today, I feel quite achy and tired.


Again a very frosty start to the day. On the common early, as pilates later. Paul took me, a good session a lot of work with the big pilates ball and the small knobby ball. Also the big rollers for our feet. By eleven o'clock the frost had gone, still cold though.

Later we had a lovely surprise Jay-Jay, Molly and Corey James, came to see us, Lindsay too. Bit later, Jamie-Lee was here after school. Molly has a car and now lives about half a hour away. Her last house was damp and mouldy which is why they moved. This was a new house as well. (both rented) The one she is in now is in the country and has a coal fire which they light every day at the moment. There is a garden as well something they did not have in the mouldy house. 

Late night I felt very strange with a piercing pain in my head. I think I had a small seizure. As I allways feel strange after, a far away feeling and head pain off the scale,


I am making John my pilates friend a pair of gloves for his Birthday tomorrow. Paul has got him chocolates as well. I was not happy with the glove I made, it did not look right. So I pulled it all down , made a cake instead. I think he will enjoy that better. I will see him on Sunday as he is busy tomorrow.  

I am knitting my friend Mary a pair of mittens, so she can put her hand warmers in them. She said she can not do it with her gloves. They will not take long as they are childs size. Mary is very small but perfect.


Gave Mary her gloves they fitted lovely.

She was very surprised I made them for her as she had only said a few days ago, she could do with some  mittens. Took John his cake and chocolates he could hardly wait for the cake to be handed over. He said he had a good day yesterday. Happy Birthday John.

Bad headache today I wish my scan would be here soon so we can see if anything is wrong with my neck and lower head. Or is it just RSD. Doctor  Solinas, Ordered this MRI scan on October 2nd 2024 and I have not heard a thing since.


A rare day in town I got everything I wanted so a good trip. Still having my head aches, plus shooting pain from my neck.


Cleaning up in the morning as not done yesterday. I like to clean down stairs after the weekend.  My friend Lyn will be here after 2pm. My Birthday is the13th. She brought me a card and presents in a bag. I have know Lyn forty six years. We met in hospital while me having Wayne, and Lyn, David, our fist babies. I went on to have a daughter and another son. She did not have any more. She used to live in Dixon street, a few streets away but now lives in  North Hykeham not far, a short bus or bike ride depending on the weather.


Jenny came to see me in the morning she is doing good. Bought me a rose plant,  plus a card with money in for my Birthday. Angela my friend came to see me in the afternoon. She is also well and recovering after her fall last year. She gave me a card with money in. She wanted me to open it. Far too much I said to her. She said I deserved it. My youngest Brother David, and Nephew Garry, who brought me a presents also. Thorntons Chocolates from Garry. My Brother and Sister in laws present bag, to be opened tomorrow. 


Happy Birthday to me 70 years old today. I do not feel this age most of the time, and a lot of people say I do not look it. I think if it was not for the RSD I would look even better. Pain ages you so much. A lovely Birthday. Andrew, Paul, Luna,  Lindsay, Jamie-Lee, Jay-Jay, Molly and Corey James, Tracy too. Mary's Daughter came with a present for me. She said it's payback for the mittens I made her. Mary said, I am always doing and making things for her and this was something she could do for me. Debbie Bumkin also brought me round presents. I had not sean her all week and wondered if she was alright. She said she had bean working a lot which she was pleased about. Three dogs to cater for plus herself. Present from Wayne and Kayleigh plus the Farra cat. Andrew did me a coaster of Luna and made me a chocolate and banana cake very rich and lovely. We had Chinese for tea from another take away as ours usual one is closed for a few weeks. Poor Corey James bumped his head a VERY large bump came up. I gave Molly some Arnica cream and it helped as he stopped crying. The bump got a lot bigger, but he was fine playing and did not seem in pain any more. I let Molly have the rest of the cream to put on later and bedtime. Soon it was time for everyone to go home it's bean a long, day and I am tired and in pain. Bean a wonderful day.


Very tired today so having a rest day just doing some knitting. The hat sets for the Saria children like I did last year. Not as many though as my wrist hurts when doing different stitches for a long time. 


I have taken pictures of all my presents and cards

All my cards apart from one which got missed.

From Paul and Luna's friends.

From Paul.+ Money.
From Luna.

Yankee candle and voucher- From Tracy. 

Jay-Jay Molly and Corey James.
Two pair of lovely slippers- Butterfly necklace and Jelly babies.
Rose and money Jenny- Flowers Angela- plus money.
Lindsay's- Angela's and Jamie-Lees flowers.

Angela's- Paul's (from last week) Lindsay's.
From Mary and Rory.
From Debbie Bumpkin and her dogs.
Chocolates-coaster-Nivea gift set-Flicker candles set-Daisey candle-Little coaster.
Pilates John.
Lyn and Mo.
Chocolates- Baylis and Harding gift set. 

Slate coaster he made. Plus Cake
Half the cake- rest bean eaten was very good.

Jenny's card that got missed off the stairs with the others.

Angela's card as well. Two friends together.

Brother David, Sister in law Bev and Family. 
Michelle and Sam- Sister in Law and partner.
Celebration gift set- Wine Chocolates-Biscuits- Sweets. 
Brother David, and Sister in law, Bev and Family.

Wayne and Kayleigh's Present In my glass cabinet.

Lovely rose. 

Garry my Nephew.
Chocolates and two information books. + one present to come.
Cake Andrew made- Chocolate and banana.

I got £105 plus a £20 Amazon voucher.


A nice sunny day, bean so long since the sun has shone on Lincoln I thought it maybe had gone for a holiday. Cleaning up down stairs. I ache and feel stiff a lot today, hopefully the cleaning will help loosen things up a bit. Bit more knitting of the childrens hat sets. I have now sorted out my presents and put them where they need to go now. I have a good stash of sweets and chocolate.


A windy but warm day wind still a bit cold though. Nice to see the sun again. The weather is warming up over the next few day so that will be good. A lot of washing done and dried.

Luna has bean very active the last few days playing with ball. She pushes it under the cupboard and then cries because she can not get it. I have put my knitting bags there now so it's hard for her to do now.  She then wraps it up in her blanket then can not get it out. She is a very demanding little girl. Some days she is getting two walks but still has loads of energy. After a while its like her battery has run out and she is out for the count for a while any way.

Having a rest with sheepie her bedtime toy.

Very tired now.

Cuddled up with sheepie under my blanket which she loves.


No pilates to day Jo is ill. Poor Jo, get better soon, no pilates next week either as Jo has an appointment. Knitting and a few jobs done.  Ironing all the stuff from yesterday. Tired now sit down, a bit more knitting.


A windy day today with a bit of sun well to start with any way, rained later. I did one load of washing and it just about dried. Not doing too much today. Sorting my blog out, putting up pictures on about my Birthday and other things. Pictures can take ages to do.
 I am looking after Andy's cat across the road as he is stopping at his parents because he is ill. Hopefuuly he will be back soon.


Paul is doing the shed ready for the new chest freezer he got six weeks ago, that has stood in our front room. Also giving the shed a clean and paint, moving things like the other upright freezer. The sun has gone again and raining now, rest of the day too weather forecast said. Quite cold on the common, and I did not have my hat on to day. I thought it was a bit warmer than it was. Lucky I have a hood on my coat. If my ears get cold I get bad ear ache. Luna had her coat on so she was warm enough. She runs around all the time so there probably not much chance of her getting cold any way. 


I actually got to see the Doctor today. I told the receptionist that I had a few things to sort out. When I saw the Doctor later that day she told me that I had a twenty minute appointment  a double one that was nice of the receptionist to do that.
 I started with my neck/head scan that was ordered last October by neurology Doctor Solinas. My own Doctor said she would see where it had got to on the list and try to push it forward a bit.
Next was my nose that has had a small sore on it for quite a while, sorted she said I am to see a dermatologist. Right next she said, knee I said, she had a look at my swollen knee and ordered a Xray for the next few days. Next my sore heal something like blister under the skin or like a pressure sore. Sorted with a cushion pad this will protect it a bit. She will have to order it for me.  Eyes next, very dry and can be very sore. Dry because of medication I take. Eye drops given, hope they are better than the over counter ones. B12 next can I have it eight weeks apart instead of twelve, as the last few weeks are like I have a mini flu, and no energy at all. Yes again sorted out. A very good appointment every thing addressed. I even had nearly five minutes left. Thank you very much Doctor Lindsay.

Went to pick up eye drop but not ready as they have to be order. I walked home feeling good That I had got every sorted out.

I helped Paul in the shed with the freezer which fits perfect now.


Cleaning up down stairs today. My friend Debbie came round to order some medication for her dog Monty. A lot cheaper online.  I love helping Debbie out.

I trimmed around Luna's eyes and gave her a good brush. She could so with a haircut but I want to wait till its a bit warmer. She had a couple of knots under her arm pits that were quite hard to comb out. But with patients we did it. Her fur is so thick at the moment and going cury too. A very cute preety girl.


Pilates a good session, the lady near me is quite funny, eighty years old and very flexible. She said to me on one move that she keeps getting her legs mixed up and forgetting when to breathe in and out. I said so long as you breathe, it will be ok. She can be very funny I think I am the one of the youngest ones there at seventy.

Andy is back now so his cat Smudge will be happy. Andy says he feels a lot better now.

My Daughter Lindsay here in the afternoon. Good to see looking well. Jamie-Lee was surprised  she was here as well. She told me today that she has our home number down on her mobile as The Fossiles. I laughed, thought it was very funny. I said you must be a young fossile then. She comes here most days as her school is very close by. Tracy picked them up, and on their way home, she  dropped me off at the chemist to get my eye drops. My heel pads were there as well.

Tried my eye drops, did make my eyes feel quite soothed and wet but its how long they last is the question. The heel cushion which does help, but a bit bulky. I put it in my sock, tricky, but once in it does the job and not move. 


White over everywhere sharp frost cold too but it's going to be nice and sunny later. Very sunny later and warm too up to 12C from -2 over night.

Cleaning up stairs today got it all done which I was surprised as I had a lot of interruptions. All clean and tidy everywhere now. 

Well here we are at the end of the second month of this new year. Not too bad so far. I least I got all my Doctor stuff sorted out. Still pain but that will always be lurking around ready to pounce. All the very best to you all and I hope things are going well for you. Love Gill.

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