
September 1st

Still head ache and pain over night, my calves hurt, also my back after the scan yesterday.

I am going to tidy up the front room ready for decorating, Paul is out for his diner. We are putting  polystyrene on two of the walls, (Paul's idea not mine) one outside wall, and the other a passage wall. This will help with any damp problems, as well as keeping the wall warm, hopefully. 

My headache went around 7pm just the legs and back now. Hopefully that will go soon.


Started putting on the polystyrene and got it all done went on quite well. I paste the paper measure and cut, then pass it up to Paul who does the rest. One of our friends are having the settee and chair today. This will give a near empty room to work on for the papering We have got all the wall paper now so its all go tomorrow. I do like decorating good job, as after this room its the dining room and hopefully get it done be for the settee and chair arrive in a few weeks time. Old settee and chair now gone, Paul got it in his car, two journeys, just down the road so that was good. They were so pleased with them as plenty of life left in them. 


Started on the fire breast wall today and got it all done, looks very nice. Nice wall paper to put on, bit more expensive than the usual, so should be. 

Just about to have tea and Paul realised that football started at 7pm and not 7.45. He had to leave his tea till he got back. I had mine, his will warm up in the microwave. When he got back he was cold, after his tea he was alright. 


Janie-Lee first day at big school as we used to call it, secondary school. Just down the road from here, Lindsay went there as well. 

Guess what? more wall papering still going well but the paper we thought had no pattern match had, and not an easy one to follow. We mastered it in the end this paper looks good as well. My wrists hurt today right one from pasting the paper, left one because it can. This is the one I had the scan on last week. Just need to wait till a letter for results or when I see the specialist in November.  

Jamie-Lee had a good day and was excited when she came here. Lindsay got here a bit earlier so they could go home together on the bus. Lindsay will do this for a few days just till Jamie-Lee gets used to the new schedule. They have two buses to catch to get to school and the same home. They moved uphill to the other end of town about a year ago.


Good walk on the common bit colder, east wind and mist. Saw a few of our friends. 

Back to wallpapering later after a sit down still going well, not got to the window bit yet though. This does not always go well. 


We finished the wallpapering today and it looks really good. A few bits need a re stick on the edges, but that will be done later when Paul gets the PVA glue. 

Chips from the chippie for tea, very nice and curry sauce as well for me and Andrew. Not had chippie chips for ages, probably when Roberto was here in July. 


Going into town today as two Birthdays tomorrow, Tommy-Lee and Jamie-Lee 18 and 12. I did quite well and got them a few things. Jamie-Lee has things coming by post. Tommy-Lee had money mostly so he can buy clothes. He loves to look like he has just stepped out a clothes shop very smart all the time. His shoes/trainers have to be just right. While in town  I got wool for two blankets I am making for Christmas presents. The same pattern I made last year.

Later I stuck the edges of paper down and everything looks good all finished. 

Very tired later with a storm head ache, as the air is very heavy today and humid. 


Happy Birthday Tommy-Lee and Jamie-Lee. We will see them later. 

We went to see the Birthday two. Tommy-Lee was out with his girlfriend Kira, so we had Jamie-Lee on her own. She liked the things we got her. Two more presents to come next week. Jamie-Lee has a puppy around called Bonnie around 14 months old, a sort of a sheep dog, a bit like the  Dulux dog that's on the paint adverts. She is very sweet girl but is so big after Luna. Tommy-Lee came home and had his presents and money. He was very happy. He and Kira are going shopping to Nottingham tomorrow. He will let me know what he gets with his money.


Cold today on the common Luna had her coat on. Today I am sorting out the records and cleaning the cupboard. We still have quite a lot, an old Beatles one as well.


Cold really cold today 4C overnight. Hopefully the weather will not get any colder as we have tomatoes in the garden plus a few more things not ready yet  I saw a deer today I think it was a doe, she just stood there looking at me and not moving then just walked off calm as anything. She was under the crab apple tree so could have bean  having a munch. 

I have a very sore throat, it looks a bit like an ulcer just where my tonsil would be, I had them removed 2006 I think, after loads of infections and getting to a huge size.

Luna had a second walk with me, Andrew, and Jamie-Lee in the afternoon. We got some apples off a tree that is on the common. Not sure if they are eaters or cookers.This year there have bean loads of them. I will make an apple crumble tomorrow with some rhubarb. 


Rest day just doing a few bits today. 

Luna had her haircut today and looks so tiny and sweet (with long legs). 

She did not really want her hair cut and pulled away. My friend Kerry was here and fed her treats, but I had to tell her to slow down as she was getting too many. Did the trick though and she calmed down so Dawn could cut her hair. How cute does she look now. She was a bit cold though and shudder quite a bit. So I think it was cuddle time. 


Paul is cleaning the front room carpet today. Tomorrow we will choose the wallpaper for the dinning room, curtains and nets for the front room We have curtains for the dining room all ready and will try to get the paper to match.


Went to the range to get everything.Took a while but we did choose paper. The nets we got from Dunelm the same place we got the last lot from years ago. We put up the nets in the front, a bit long I think but I will see tomorrow after they have settled a bit. They look very white and stand out. 

Andy from across the street bought us both a Mcdonalds breakfast. I rarely eat much in the morning so said I would have it for dinner. Paul was out so we both ate it for late dinner/lunch, when we got back from the shopping trip. Very nice it was too a breakfast bun plus hash browns. Years since I had a Mcdonalds, I think the last time was when I used to get the school shoes for the boys. We used to go there afterwards.


The nets we got were a bit long. I am going to machine them up a bit. This took a long time pining and tacking them and finally machining them. They now are the right length and look a lot better. The old nets are still good so a neighbour is having them. 

I made a spag boll for tea very tasty too. I am extremely tired but pleased with the finished front room. Now just the dinning room.


Cleaning up stairs today. I ache a lot but am coping. 

Two walks with Luna today, as Andrew wanted a walk. I could have just let him take Luna on his own as she likes going with him just as much. Nice on the common so I did not say no to another walk. Luna was very tired later. 

Pulled quite a few beans later we are freezing them so can have them any time. I took a lot of leaves off the tomatoes hopefully that will help ripen them. Had quite a few so far.


Haircut today at last, I could barley see through my fringe well past my nose now. My hairdresser comes to the house, and had bean away for a few weeks. Her priority is her older ladies first. So I had to wait a bit for my cut. She is worth waiting for as I get a cut I want, as she knows my style now. With coming to the house and not a salon, it makes it so easy for me in many ways. No noise, not too hot or cold and the best thing she is a lot cheaper than most hairdressers. 


We are taking all the things out of the dinning room and putting them in the front room. Paul's Brother Malc, has lent us a roller board to move large and heavy furniture. I think the name is a Dolly Board. So easy with this no effort at all. Very quick we got everything in the front. We need to finish the dinning room and have everything back in there be for the sofa and chair arrive in a few weeks time. The carpet has not bean chosen yet, but we need a hard wearing one as it's a walkway from the kitchen to the front. We have no access to the back garden without going through the house. Later after the dinning room is done we are going to get a Dolly Board of are own, to get the bins though the house and any other heavier stuff so the carpet stays looking good for longer.


Stripping off the wall paper in the dinning room. The wall I was a bit worried about was ok and not as bad as I had remembered it. Stripping off the paper I reached too high and wrenched my right shoulder. A lot of pain down my arm to my fingers and down my back. 


In town again as Paul's Birthday 26th of this month. My shoulder hurts but hopefully it will be ok. I will manage I always do having RSD makes you stronger. I got quite a few things for his Birthday, mostly clothes hopefully they will fit. 

Shoulder very painful and sore a lot of nerve pain shooting everywhere. When you have something like RSD its not the bits you hurt or injure are affected its the whole body. So since I hurt my shoulder my legs get the pain, my back, most places not just the injured part. This can be extremely bad at times and needs a morphine top up. This in itself causes more problems, as the body craves for the extra you have given it so when reduced goes into withdrawl. Not a happy place but you have to deal with it as its your life now for good. Twenty years of having RSD you learn how to cope but, this does not make it any more pleasant.


Happy Birthday Paul 70 today. Wayne and Kayleigh did a surprise visit so that was lovely only Lindsay knew. He got loads of presents from family and friends. Lindsay and Wayne got him a Lincoln City Football shirt with his name on it and age.  Andrew got him sweets and beer. His shirts I got him were too small so I need to take them back. 

Chinese for tea with the family, very good as always. Tired later as noise and people drain me. Still a lot of pain in my shoulder. Not too bad the rest of body.

A lot of rain has fallen over the past few days, hardly stopped at all.


Finished off the paper stripping now, so pleased as its bean hard since I hurt my shoulder. Bean hard work with doing the front room as well hopefully it will all look nice when finished and will not need doing for many years.


Filling in the holes and painting on a bit of damp stuff under the window. Cleaned up the mess and vacuumed the carpet. We are getting a new one so it does not matter if it gets mucky. 

Still rain very heavy the river is very high now much more rain and it could go over in places.

Luna and my granddaughter Jamie-Lee.

What a busy month and painful too. Every thing will be worth it in the end and we can look at the rooms and say we did that. I think I have said all I need to say in the Blog. Hope you are all reasonably doing well.

See you next month Love Gill. 

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