
August 1st

I am not going to Pilates today as not feeling the best. I have a full on headache with all over pain, nerve pain mostly, plus a very sore throat.  Just going to rest a bit I think, the last few days have bean very heavy and humid which affects me a lot.


Another quite warm day to begin with, got hotter as the day went on. Andrew and I took Luna for another walk in the late afternoon. Very warm wind, warmer than this morning when I went out. We took water for her if she wanted a drink. She did have a bit so it was worth taking. We saw a baby deer very close, so cute. Possible storm later, hopefully. 

Did a bit of knitting of the pink baby cardigan, going well. Should be soon finished.


Cleaning down stairs again, very heavy air. I keep going dizzy when stood, and after walking from room to room. This has bean going on a while but worse today. I think the heat has a lot to do with it. I have bean told by the Doctor a while ago it could be VERTIGO. Sometime I will go again and have another talk to them.

Chinese for tea, I had pancake roll chips and curry, very nice it was too.


Paul is going to Wayne's today, taking Lindsay and Jamie-Lee as well. I would love to go but the traveling would cause me a lot of pain and discomfort. A few people say just go and put up with it. They have never had the CHRONIC PAIN, and suffer with it every day. I have never bean to Wayne's house since be for COVID. Kayleigh his girlfriend moved in round about this time as well, 2020. 

Sorting out my wool today as the containers have got a bit messy. I have a lot of stuffing too which I tried to seal up in a bin bag and suck out the air but it did not work. 

Paul got back late evening, they all had a good time. MacDonald's for dinner and a carvery for tea. 


While walking with Luna telling Debbie about my stuffing bag and she said she had a space bag. I could have, the right sort. Later I put it the test and it was just right. This saves a lot of room as I am able to just put it on the top of things as now flat packed.  

Luna is feeling a bit sorry for herself, as she is in season and probably a bit uncomfortable and sore. She is getting a lot of extra love and attention.


Paul is taking Lindsay to Boston for an appointment for her head. She is seeing Doctor Solenus this is the same Doctor I was under when very ill having all my violent seizures. He actually sent me a big hug and asked Lindsay how I was. I am still under him if the seizures get bad again. Lindsay got a lot of things sorted so it was a good appointment for her. I think he is a very good Doctor and listens to what you say to him. 

Lindsay and Jamie-Lee came back here for awhile they all had McDonalds for dinner. 


Andrew and I finally got through to his gun place about his gun that he got for his Birthday, that was faulty. The firm did not answer their phone or emails. We tried one more time to ring them and yes, some one answered. We got a prepaid label to send it back so hopefully this will be the end of it and will get a refund. This has taken over a mouth, so we are pleased, but be more so when the money is refunded, around seventy pound. 


Got to Pilates this week and it was good, a few new moves as well. I feel very tired and still a sore throat. Pain still not good either.


My Brother's  Birthday today. He is probably going to the coast for a day out with Bev his wife so we will see him tomorrow instead. 

Going to a BBQ next door, the barky dog one, Daisey. This is for the dogs to get to know each other and the same for the adults. Jay-Jay was here as well so he got an invite too. This was a very nice afternoon and we all enjoyed it very much. They did not go over the top with food, just right. I took a chew each for the dogs and they sat and enjoyed it, and got on very well. A good afternoon for all.


Went to see David and Bev both doing all right. He liked the t-shirts we got him, and of course the box of chocolates. He has to hide them or they get eaten by someone else. Lliam's and Fiona baby Meadow, was there as well. First time we have seen her, and she is nearly a year old . Lliam her Dad is not well so Bev said she would have her for a while Fiona gets some jobs done. 

Chinese for tea as BBQ yesterday very good too.


Ironing in the morning quite a bit took over an hour, a bit warm for doing this. 

I have now finished all the hat sets for the children from the war countries. All together there are-

Nine pairs of mittens.

Seven balaclava sets with mittens. 

Six hat sets with mittens and scarf.

One set just hat and mitts.

Twelve glove puppets.

They are all ready for Andy's Mum to pick up.


Cleaning up stairs today a bit cooler so not too warm to do.  Quite a bit of pain though but I sat down for a while, still getting dizzy as well. Any way still got the bedrooms done, Paul at football not playing of course.

Andy's Mum picked up the hats and things. She was surprised at the amount I had done, and tried to pay me but I said no it's my bit for the children. If you have to give me anything chocolate, a small £1-£2 bar. She said something with nuts? I said OH NO that takes away some of the chocolate. She laughed, just Cadburys Dairy Milk- thank you but you do not need to. I think she would feel better after all the work I have done if she did buy me the chocolate. 


A cooler day quite windy too. A good walk on the common with Luna. Dreaded nerve pain again just about every where. Bit of knitting later, gone back to the white baby jacket I started be-for the hat sets. Got the back done and front done as all in one. Now started on the sleeves, it's a lacy pattern but not that hard to do.


Doing Blog today, other things as well, two lots of washing done and out, but rain soon came down. Nice to see some rain as the air has bean so heavy. Defiantly felt cooler later very nice. 

Hopefully now sorted out the refund for the gun. Had to ring up again three times to get through no answer the first two. They said a refund would be issued today. No sorry or anything. we will see Andrew even told them he would not deal with them again but they did not seem to care.  


Pilates today, Paul took me as not at the hospital volunteering. I was quite pleased as it was so windy. The road I go is very open and the wind just blows across. People at Pilates were pleased I did not come on my bike as well. One lady said you are only little, you could get blown off. I know a few times I have gone on my bike when windy and it was hard to keep straight. A good session today. 

At last a full refund for the gun. Only took about two months to get back. We will not deal with this firm again. Andrew has ordered a new gun and should be here today. Andrews gun arrived later but is faulty but he thinks he can fix it without it going back. He did mend it just really needed a bit more grease. At last he is able to enjoy his Birthday present from 21st June.

Walk with Andrew and Luna on the common we all enjoyed it. Luna was jumping around like a spring lamb. 


While Paul was at football I started stripping the wallpaper off in the front room. Not coming off too bad. I know a lot of people do not like stripping off the paper but I do and always have.

 Growing up, Mum and I did quite a bit of the decorating as Dad worked a lot of hours on the farm where we lived. In harvest time it was from light to dark most days till the harvest was done. A lot of the time the combine- harvester used to breakdown, and Dad had to mend it as well. My Dad could turn his hand to most things and make them go again. In the end there was no chance for the combine to be mended and they had to borrow one. The farmer he borrowed off, had to get there harvest in first though. Everything worked out good and all the harvest got safely gathered in. Good life living on a farm.


My wash line has broke, a rotary airer I think I can mend it but the cord is not too good, but I will at least give it try with super glue. 


Paul and I finished off all the wallpaper  stripping yesterday, so I am pleased. The bin men will take it all away on Tuesday. Tomorrow is filling in any holes of the walls, and sanding. This bit I hate, all the dust. This sander has a bag on it so not too bad. Things are going really well. This time we are having a new sofa and chair, just need to find the one we both agree on, same as the wallpaper. Trapped my finger  behind the gas meter and cut it in lots of places quite sore now.

Super glued the wash line but not sure if it will hold. The cord is worse than I thought either so might be time for a new one. 


A lot warmer today, walked around the common with my friend Amanda and her three dogs. Luna was playing with one of them called Lucy. Nice to walk around the common with someone, nice for Luna to have a playmate too. 

Rotary airer broke as soon as I tried to put it up, so a new one is needed.


Happy Birthday to my Sister in Law Pam. Going to see her later. Also going to look for wallpaper and sofa and chair  plus wash line. Pam and her husband Malc are both good. After we left their house it was time to look for the paper, sofa and chair. We found one lot of paper but was not too sure so going to have another look tomorrow same with sofa and chair. We did get a clothes airer.


We have now decided on the paper, sofa and chair all paid for and ordered. So no going back now, well you can but will not. I am just pleased its sorted and we can get the paper on the wall. One lot we have, the other on Monday, we had to order it, hopefully everything will look good. 



Pictures of baby cardigans I have made. 

This pattern I really like and its easy to do.
This also is easy.

Andrew and I have had a good crop of beans. 

We are both very pleased and they taste good. We have had cucumbers and chilis plus quite a bit of lettuce. Hopefully if the weather does not turn too cold we will have tomatoes too not ripening very fast. 

Today I have MRI scan  on my left wrist, at the hospital, or so I thought. I got the wrong place it was actually a fairly new place just down the road from us. The receptionist at the hospital phoned the right place and let them know I was still coming. That was really nice of her, she also let me ring home as Paul had just dropped me off, and I was going to make my own way back. The receptionist said a lot of people had got the wrong place, so not just me, Lindsay my Daughter did as well. She said it should be made clearer on the appointment letter. Paul came and picked me up again  Any way I got to the right place and had my scan. This was not very comfortable as I had to lay on my stomach with my arm up, with a pillow for my head and legs. This made my legs want to spasm up. I knew I had to keep very still, or the scan could be ruined. Very noisy and seem to take a long time. I kept my eyes shut most of it. After I felt very dizzy and a massive headache, my legs hurt with being still for so long. I was pleased they did not go into spasms. 

When we got back Jamie-Lee was here, as I was looking after her while Lindsay went to a boxing match. Later we had Chinese for tea-super, very nice too. My headache was still there when I went to bed, also my legs were still painful. 

Jamie-Lee was good as always, and we talked about various things. She starts secondary school next week. I am sure she will be ok. Last year she missed the starting date by a few days as her Birthday is on the 8th september, so will be one of the oldest there in year seven. All the best Jamie-Lee.

A bit of a mixed month again, but not too bad, nice weather and getting things done. Hope you are all feeling as best as you can. All the very best to you all. Love Gill.

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