
 July 1st

Good walk on the common with Luna. We saw Mary, who is back from her holiday in South Africa. She enjoyed most of it but some where she went it was cold. She said you had warm weather here in UK and I was cold in what should have bean a warmer country. All I can say is CRAZY WEATHER.

Looking after Andy's cat again while he is away. Smudge spends a lot of his time outside now so I do not always see him. His food goes so I know he is OK.


Up early around 7.30 I had bean awake since 6AM so I decided to get up. A short night but the common walk will wake me up. Lovely on there and very quiet as well.

Going to Paul's parents today as its there Wedding  Anniversary  seventy years married. Between the family they got them flowers and afternoon tea. Andrew did them a plaque, from their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great grandchild. They did not make too much of it. These things take hours to do and are unique as one offs. Are well that's just like them.


No Pilates today voting  in the hall. Cleaning downstairs today but very tired and it an effort todo it but I did. 


Quite cold today like yesterday, back to a coat. Lindsay and Jamie-Lee came round and stayed for tea, Chinese today, so no cooking. Luna was playing hide and seek with Jamie-Lee, and seemed to understand about hiding when her turn. She found Jamie-Lee every time, but, Jamie-Lee had a hard time to find her, then Luna just popped up. They both had fun after Lindsay and Jamie-Lee had gone Luna was very tired and went to sleep. 


Hospital today to look at my wrist the Doctor said it could be cartilage damage and has ordered a scan and then to see another Specialist. Depending what they find it could mean a small operation. Or ?--or could still be RSD spread.  

Called at Argos to get me a new electric tooth brush as mine has totally gone now. Bean a good one as used for over ten years, different brushes of course. 


Not doing too much today as a busy one yesterday. I did sort out a few things in the spare bedroom for Roberto coming tomorrow

Another two lumps have come up on my left leg again near the veins, Quite painful and spasms as well.


Roberto here today Paul will be picking him up from Birmingham Airport. 

I have a blood test at my Doctors. I did ask the Nurse about the leg lumps. but she said make an appointment to see a Doctor. Hopefully they will go and there will be no need it can be quite hard to see a Doctor any way. That is why so many people go to A and E . 

After the blood test I went into town to get Lindsay something for her Birthday. Did quite well and got her a few things to open. Paul and I will be giving her money so she can get what she wants. Saw my friend Joy having a coffee at stokes with a friend. Had a few words with her then headed for home.

Roberto got here safely but was very tired as up early today there is an hour difference that's all. We are an hour behind them.


Happy Birthday Lindsay.

The dog next door never stopped barking all morning, this is something it does most days but today he was worse

 This sets the dogs barking on the other side and across the road. Luna was unsettled as well but did not bark.

A lot of back and hip pain today quite sore at times too. Lumps still there in my leg, but not as painful. If still there Monday I will see a Doctor about them. Cleaned up down stairs. 


Well its twenty years today since the RSD started with my fall while running. Twenty years of pain and torture. 

Back and hip not as painful today. Lindsay and Jamie-Lee came round and Jamie-Lee asked me to show her how to knit again, as she thought she was doing it wrong. I had a look and saw she was going into the backs of the knit stiches so twisting them so it a bit tight for the next row. After I showed her she soon got it.


Day out today for Paul and I, plus Andrew and Roberto. A visit to the Space Center at Leicester. This was really very good. At the end we had a Palatium Show. This was also very good, but a lot I had my eyes shut as was making me dizzy. I have to be careful with these type of show as could Triger a seizure. A great day out, painful at times but worth  it. 

Some of the pictures Paul took.

We also went to a museum as well right next door and was free of charge. 

This was all about the water system and the sewers as they used to be. 

Still see the big tower at the space station.

The museum was very good as well.

I was a bit worried about Luna while we were out. Lindsay did come in to see her and she had a second mini walk to met Jamie-Lee from school at the bus stop. When we got back they were still here for a bit then headed for home. Thank you both for looking after her. Andrew and I had chip and curry for tea from the chippie. Paul and Roberto had fish.


A rest day today I think, bit of a head ache and very sore eyes. My body ached as well but I think I got off well, as some car trips I suffer a lot more. Rain to start with then fine a bit later. Luna did not like waiting til most of the rain stopped. When we got on the common it smelt so fresh as well. 


Cleaning again. Andrew and Roberto went to an arcade close by, they had a good time and both enjoyed them selves. Paul out most of the day.

We all watched a Star trek final episode - Picard. This did not go well to start with, but Wayne saved the day, so it was all well. Enjoyed it as waited a while to watch it. 


Roberto going home today, Paul taking him to the airport. I think he will be pleased to see his wife and cat. Quite warm today 26C, but warmer tomorrow.  Roberto arrived home and his wife was pleased to see him so was his cat.


Had my B12 injection in the afternoon, only rung up this morning, as bean a busy week. I did not think I would get an appointment today, so was surprised. This was painful as usual but did not last too long and stopped hurting after a few hours.

 24C today so very warm. Guess what I am doing? a lot of ironing, bedding and shirts plus trousers. Very warm but it needs doing. Watered the garden and grass later very dry.  


On the common we saw a baby deer, I thought it was a tan dog sat in the grass  but no, a baby deer. I said to it, no need to be afraid, it stopped and stood looking at us, then off it went. We then saw a shew or something like that. Luna chased it but it was well gone into the long grass faster than her.  

Finished off the ironing that I did not do yesterday. Bit more knitting not much wool left now. of the wool I was given to knit the hats and things for the war children. Picture soon when finished all.


Not as hot today 23C pleasant, as my Dad would have called it. Did the garden today, trimmed the roses, and lavender, put in a bag to dry off for lavender bags later on. Put in some flowers plants, a bit small but I think they will be fine. Andrew and I grew them from seed. Will look very nice in a few weeks. Watered the garden and lawn twice so it can with stand the heat.  

For tea we had some tatties from the garden that we had grown in a big tub planter Not bad a bit flowery and some spilt. There are few left so might try roasting them. 


I think I have done all the hat sets and gloves I am going to do now. I will get a picture put up soon so you all can see what I have done to help the little war children. 

The lumps in my leg have gone down a bit, and are not as swollen now. I am not going to the Doctors.


Cleaned up downstairs today. very hot and humid. Took most of the day as I kept having to stop to cool off a bit. Any way I got it all done.

Paul's Dad also had trouble with a vein his leg. He caught it and it started to bleed and would not stop. Paul went round and put a pressure bandage on it and the bleeding stopped. They still went to A and E. I said you will be there a long time and they were, from 11.30pm to 8.30 am the next day. Nothing was done to the leg either just go to your own Doctor in a few days. 

Our A and E is terrible the wait time is so bad. My sister in law had SEPCIS and was there 24 hours be-for they got her a bed and admitted her, then another 24 hours till they put up a ANTIBIOTIC drip. Malcom her husband  said all around the walls were signs saying SEPCIS KILLS. He was very worried. She was Ok but in hospital for a while. When I broke my wrist 2nd time I think it was 6 hours.  


Cleaned upstairs today again very hot and humid. Got it all done but it took till 6pm gone. Tea was late, but so what, I had to have a sit down as so hot. I enjoyed my tea too, chicken breast steaks, roast tatties plus beans. I have not had much to eat so far today. Paul had bean out for his dinner and had fish and chips.


Pilates went well on my bike a good ride as nice going along the road as not much traffic. I enjoyed the session a lot. Kerry came round in the afternoon with her son Ronnie. He is a cute lad and loved Luna so much and said he was going to smuggle her home with him.


Went to Jenny's  as it was her Birthday yesterday but she was out with friends. Got her Dove bath stuff plus a box of chocolates. She is diabetic but sensible. Nice to spend a few hours with her which I enjoyed. She said Age UK where I used to volunteer, has gone down hill so much, and the place is empty soon after 1pm. When I was there we were busy till at least 2pm serving hot meals. They have cut the quality of the food down and the olddies will not eat there, like they used to and go else where for better food and prices. 


Another warm day again, but when it was wet and cold we wished for sun, but it gets so hot and humid with the heat. I am alright with it but I know a lot of people find it hard to cope. Two years ago we in Lincolnshire  had the hottest place in the UK 40.5C-41C. Then it was hot, I barely coped with it, as my RSD was very much affected. So if I can cope with that 28C is manageable I think.

My little Dog Luna is in season and feeling a bit sorry for her self. She is getting lots of love and more attention than usual if that's possible.


Warm again but more cloud today. Around 27C. Guess what cleaning up again very warm for this, got it all done then a bit more knitting. Now I have finished the hats sets, I am knitting a baby cardigan. This did not go well to start with, but I soon sorted it out, it has a yoke the sort I like to do and I think they are better for little babies as less seams to rub. 

Paul cooked tea tonight the first time I think since March. Chip and bits very nice too.

Next doors dog, which I have mentioned be-for barking. Well now the children are off school and in a spa tub. They shout to each other they swear and are very disrespectful to their Mum. No more peaceful sits in the garden now. Even inside you can still hear them. I know they are children but thats going over the top.

The pump thing that work the motor got too hot and was beeping for hours. In the end next doors turned it off. Peace at last. Andrew is in the shed and likes to have a peaceful day, or half day as he does not usually get till afternoon. I do hope things will change and the children will calm down as it not nice to disrespect your neighbours. Moan over.


Happy Birthday Wayne hope you have a good day. We are sending him money plus a few bits we have got. Paul is hopping to go to Halifax to see him on Sunday. I would love to go but it can be a 2 hour trip on a good run, too far for me as the pain would be so bad probably for days after. when we went to Leicester I was in pain after 20 minutes in the car.

2 lots of washing out and the garden watered twice, walk on the common too. Going good today also doing my Blog hopefully publish later.

Well a bit of a mixed month but I did go out for the day. So that's good- its not that I do not want to go out its because I suffer so much during and after because of the RSD and the other things I have to endure. Sometimes the pain is just not worth it. Not all bad though.

Hope things are good with you all, and the heat is bearable for you. All the very best Love Gill.

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