March 1st
A horrible wet cold day. I do not think it stopped raining all day. Sorting all the books from spare bedrooms to go to the charity shop. Got rid of quite a lot, the rest now fit on the bookcase.
Bit more knitting of Jamie-Lee doll trousers. Still got the hair to finish off as well, this is taking a lot more time than I thought it would. Jamie-Lee is going on a school trip tomorrow for two nights. Somewhere near Derby. This is the first time she has bean away from home apart from relatives.
Jordon North- Radio 1 DJ is doing a challenge this week, which he started yesterday, to raise money for Comic Relief. He is to row 100 miles from London to Burnley, his hometown, and his beloved football team, Turf moor- Burnley FC. Jordon has bean doing a bit of rowing practice over the last few weeks in secret. His challenge was announced last week on his and Vic's radio show.
Good luck Jordon and well done for your courage, and guts, for doing this challenge.
Jordon is absolutely wrecked, he has just run out of steam. Poor Jordon. He got out of his rowing boat and just collapsed. Only tomorrow to go, you can do it, Jordon. Around twenty miles to go, think of the finish with all your friends family, and fans. Everyone is behind you willing you on.
Jordon has done it, coming up to the finish were his Dad and Brother on river bikes with other families members in the crowd. Earlier on his Dad had fallen in and had to be fished out. The crowds were going mad and cheering Jordan all the way. He has done it. Very tired but rejuvenated by his friends and family not forgetting his fans. He looked good, all the pain and blisters were forgotten about for now.
So far he has raised £74,000 for the Charity. Well done Jordon. He said it was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life and never, never, again.
Jamie-Lee enjoyed her School trip and is back home now.
Going into town today to get Jay-Jay my oldest Grandson, some presents for his eighteenth birthday tomorrow. I am usually not this late getting things but I did not know what to get him. After looking around I managed to find a Nike zip-up and T-shirt to fit him and was pleased. I got some shower stuff and sweets as well.
Happy Birthday, Jay-Jay.
I wrote this in his card: Jay-Jay another chapter in your life begins. Things have not always bean easy for you, but sometimes you have to work at them, to get things right.
Andrew made him some engraved glassware, and a box with his name on it, very nice too. He liked all his things and showed me what other presents he had got.
Debbie and I both feed the birds near the common mostly the robins that live near a big tree. One of them or both are seen regularly. I got some pictures they were both there to start with but one flew off.
They have become very tame and often sit waiting for us. I am scared of birds and feathers, so I am pleased they do not come any closer. I do like to watch them but at a distance.
At last my cardiology appointment, first I saw one of the team who asked me questions. I was weighed and had my observations taken, plus an ECG. I then saw the consultant who said the scan I had earlier in the year was OK. The valve he was worried about, is good for now not perfect but OK. The other thing now he is worried about is the heart itself. I am to have more tests.
In the meanwhile, I have bean put on tablets to help with the pain and erratic heartbeat. I said could I not wait till the next test results to see if I really need them. He said you might not get a second chance. I will take the tablets, at least for now anyway. He did say that if the next test results are good I will be able to come off them all. A deal I said and he laughed. I hate taking any tablets and tend to reduce mine whenever I can.
The new medications I have bean put on are:
- GLYCERYL TRINITIRATE SPRAY to use if the pain is bad, under the tongue.
- ASPRIN 75mg to thin the blood.
- LANSOPRAZOLE 30mg- to protect the stomach. I was on this a few years ago, but it did not suit me. I will try again though.
- ATORVASTATIN 20 mg- this is to lower CHOLESTEROL. mine is very slightly high and has bean for a number of years. My own doctor is not worried as I have a good lifestyle.
- BISOPROLOL 2.5mg. This is to help with any pain and lower the heart rate when it goes a bit wild. I hope they do not have any nasty side effects.
Did some gardening today tidying up everywhere and getting rid of the dead bits and the few weeds that had come up. A spring-like day, quite warm. One of the tablets has given me the runs quite bad I hardly dare move for fear of pooing myself. I think it's the ATORVASTATIN- as I looked it up on the side effects. I hope it settles down soon. Apart from that nothing else so far apart from aching everywhere, but this could be anything. I hurt most of the time anyway so I am not counting this. Early days yet so just carry on taking them.
Gave Summer a bath yesterday she was very mucky and a lot of grit and muck came off her. I bet she feels a lot better now. She smells very nice so fresh now.
I have knitted a pair of gloves for my friend Mary, the one with Rory dog. She did not know that I was making her some. Every day when I saw her on the common she said her hands were cold. Even though she wore gloves So I decided to knit her a pair. The ones I make are 70% wool so very warm. I wear them myself and I have RAYNARDS bad circulation in my hands and feet. They keep my hand warmer than any other gloves. I mostly wear two pairs in the cold weather. She wanted to pay me for the wool but I said no they are a present. Jenny had problems with her shower door and Paul said he would have a look at it. He managed to fix it quickly, as it was the seal bent over. I said to Jeny it could be this. She was very pleased and made us a cup of tea. We stayed for a while just talking. I feel quite tired today not really with it sort of feeling.
Sorting out my wool to see what I have. With knitting, you mostly have some leftovers not enough to do much with but too much to throw away. So you come up with ideas to use it, like toys and little bits. One year I made loads of hats for Age Uk for little Innocent fruit juice drinks to go on top of the bottles. Lindsay came round and Jamie-Lee of course, they stopped for tea. We were going to have Sunday dinner, but we had sausage and chips instead, very nice it was too. I love chips, especially homemade ones. I wash them and leave the skin on.
Into town today, got some new wool from a charity shop for more gloves. A lot cheaper than wool stall, but you have to be there at the right time to get lucky. Got a few other bits, and had my glasses sorted out. I sat on them and they were twisted and uncomfortable. All sorted and wearable again.
Runs calmed down a bit I feel a bit safer when I go out now but the pain is in my stomach is still bad.
Summer had her hair cut today and looks so cute and very white. As usual, she was very good, she loves Maxine and waits for her in the hallway. Maxine does not use the harness or anything to hold her. I think she is the only dog that she can do this with. If when cutting Summer's face she will often give Maxine a kiss as if to say thank you.
Pictures before haircut.
This is what I think of getting my hair cut.
What I get an extra treat,? OK then.
Hay look at me now, wheres's that treat? Mum said I would get then?
Not the best picture but it shows how white she is now after all the common muck has bean clipped off.
Rained later and did not stop, poured down now the common will be all slushy tomorrow. Just dried out as well.
Common not too bad so Summer did not get too mucky. My hair cut today so we will both look good together. My stomach since starting new tablets has not bean good. I am stopping LANSOPRAZOLE. I think this is the fourth time I have bean put on these and the outcome is always the same, bad stomach and pain. Hopefully, the rest will settle down.
Looking after Emmie tonight. She was good but tired so when her Mum and Dad came home she went to bed. When I left around ten minutes later she was asleep. They are moving this year but not far so I will still be able to go round to see them all.
Now that the river people have finished, its wait and see if the plans are approved for the nursing home and warden controlled units.
A lovely Spring-like day just beautiful on the common. Summer was running around like a little pup. I think the sun brings out the better in most people as everyone I met seemed very happy. I even saw a few in shorts and T-shirts. Not quite ready for that yet as still a cold wind at times. But everyone is different. I picked up a lot of bottles that some had taken to the common, drunk them, and left them there. One was smashed and the lower part sticking up. If a dog or horse would have stepped on that it would have bean quite nasty. I do not know why they can not take them home in the bag they came in or bin them.
Later Paul and I went to Mablethorpe a seaside town not far away. There was sand- racing on- motorbikes on the beach. We watched for a while then wandered off to look around the shops. Not everything is open yet, usually at Easter time. We had fish and chips, of course, they were good.
Even though it was a very nice day pain was there as well. More going than coming back. I had not bean this far for ages. Vibrations always make the RSD flare up, well mostly. Terrible side effects from the new tablets.
Frost to begin with then sun and cloud. Not as warm as it has bean, but still good for March. Cleaning up and washing. I hurt a lot today, I think it's from the travelling yesterday. Hopefully, it will ease off soon.
My friends Ness and Squidgy's house has gone up for sale today. They are not moving far away so I will see them. More than likely still look after Emmie. I will still miss them when they go. Ness said it made her feel sad too.
Warm today got up to 17C in the afternoon barmy weather again. People were in shorts in the park and in the sun it was quite warm. Still a very cold wind though. Tidying up the greenhouse ready for the seeds soon. I was going to seed today but, decided not to as it can still be cold in there. So I will wait till next month. Cold can set the plants back a few weeks, so I just might as well wait a bit.
Cleaned all upstairs today. Later finished off the Jamie-Lee look-alike doll's hair. This has taken around four to five hours maybe more. Looks good I think. When I get the tie done, I will put up a picture of her on the next blog.
Sorting out the gap between the bathroom and shed, it gets very untidy at times. Andrew went into the bottom woodshed and said he thought there were mice in there. I left some cheese to see if there were. Ness said they prefer chocolate or cake, something sweet. So I left some chocolate and will check in the morning to see if it has gone.
Checked the shed, chocolate had gone. I will sort it out today. Andrew has a lot of his things stored in there. Moved many things and sprayed them with disinfectant spray. Trew away anything that the mice had ruined, lucky not too much. The bags of birdseed had been attacked and a lot in some of the boxes. Soon there was only one box left, so the nest must be in there. It was- when I tipped the last bits of the box out, one ran out then the other, the first went next door, and the other shot under the shed. They had made an impressive nest of paper, bubble wrap, and cloth. The smell was quite strong. I felt quite mean breaking the nest up. Mice can be very destructive so they had to go. There was a hole in the shed, I think this was their shopping route to get extra bits and water. Paul mended the hole so hopefully, they have gone.
Later Lindsay and Jamie-Lee came round. With it being Mother's day I got some daffodils (I did not get a picture of them.) and two cards from them. Jamie-Lee wrote in her Nan's card, from your Granddaughter. Which I thought was quite sweet and funny. She said so you know who it's from me. Wayne and Kayleigh rang up and wished me Happy Mothers Day. They sent a card and a present. Andrew had given me pendants earlier this month.
From Lindsay and Family.
A misty start to the day colder than the last few days as well. I looked in the shed and the chocolate was still there. So for now the two little squatters have gone. I will need to check as they might be a hole I have not seen. Hope they will be alright as they were very cute. Getting warmer and there are plenty of sheds in the car park at the back. If they do decide to come back, Andy across the road has a humane trap so I could release them further away, hopefully, they are still together.
Still have problems with my stomach but getting better since I have stopped most of the tablets. The pain was terrible I have IBS so that flared up. I felt sick a lot of the time, very bloated. Also, bleeding when I went to the toilet. So bye-bye tablets. I have tried ringing the hospital and even spoke to the doctor's secretary who said I would get a phone call back to advise me on what to do for the best. I told her I had stopped all but one of the tablets, BISOPROLOL. They would have run out but I have bean taking half a tablet. I can not get more because they have not sent details to my doctors.
Met my friends Jenny, and Joy, for dinner at Thomas 2 in town at 1pm. I did not really feel like eating but did have some. I had not eaten since 7pm last night and was feeling a bit dizzy. Of course, the RSD saw its chance to cause more pain and discomfort and went for it big time. Both Joy and Jenny are doing well. Joy has lost weight and looks so much better. She said she feels it too. Well done Joy.
For the first time since starting and stopping the new tablets, I woke up without stomach pains. Not as cold today nice walk with Summer on the common. I saw one of the little mice coming from under the shed, to get the seed from the grass that came out of the box they were in. Chocolate was still in the shed, so no break-ins so far.
I told Andrew it was going to snow. No, he said, not cold enough. It usually warms up to snow which it has done, Cleaning up downstairs today. Not feeling the best but will feel worse if I just sit all day.
Later on, it snowed not a lot but it did snow. Soon went when the sun came out. Wayne has got snow as well just a covering. I rang the hospital again same response I will get a phone call she said. The other secretary has now retired so it's her she thinks I will deal with but she is at Grantham, not Lincoln. I told her about the tablets. So I will just wait and see. I am not taking the ones I stopped so either replace them or forget them. I would prefer the latter. Snowed a bit more, but not settling as the sun is warm.
Well, another month has gone for this year. Not the best but not the worse. The weather is picking up a bit so that makes things better all around. Most people feel better in the sunshine. RSD prefers warmer weather, well mine does.
All the best to you readers,
Love Gill and Summer.