
 December 1st

No frost this morning but windy. Wrapped up the Christmas cakes I made yesterday. Only one more to go then all done. Of course, there's the marzipan and icing to do at a later date. 

Got a letter from Pips/Attendance Allowance claim people, saying that I need to fill in yet another form. As the 50 page odd one, I filled it in April can not be passed on and I have to another. At least this form has only 30 pages. Why did they not let me know sooner? When I first filled in the form the time wait was around 8 weeks. That came and went and no communication from them. I wonder is it all worth the effort? John my friend who helps, well a lot more than help, he fills in the form for me as he has for a lot of other friends. 


Snow when I first got up, not a lot, but you could tell it was not just frost. Summer loves the snow and rubs herself along the ground, sort of like we do with snow angels (snow pups?). The snow soon went with the sun being bright and warm. Took some pictures on the common by the time I got home most of the snow on the paths had gone. 

I love snow.
I love my ball so much.
Play with me- I have rolled in the snow enough now.
Pictures of Queens Park. 

As you can see not a great amount of snow- was quite a bit thicker earlier.


Going into town today, we have the uphill Christmas market on for 4 days, so hopefully, it will be not as busy in the town centre. I was wrong big time, loads of people, queues everywhere. I think everyone shopping had the same thought as me, not as busy today. I got a lot of things, presents as well, there are a few Birthday this month so extra gifts to get. As we are back to wearing masks and the shops are very warm now, I struggle with the temperature changes. Going in and out of the shops makes me very dizzy and so hot. As I said got a lot of things so well worth going. So tired later and pain not good either. I do not go into town as much as I used to. I did enjoy shopping be for RSD especially if I had plenty of time, but not as much now. 

I did stop a lady from getting run over by a car though. Her friends had gone across but as she was quite a bit slower, she just got to the crossing as the red man came up. I held her arm and pulled her back, and said wait till the next crossing. Trouble was people were still running across so she thought it was safe. Her friends never looked back for her. She pointed them out and I waved to them, no response. I took her across with the green man still no acknowledgement from her friends they just carried on talking. The lady thanked me many times, I felt sorry for her as she was quite old and frail. Hope they looked after a bit better next time they crossed a road or she will run over.


Out today for a Christmas dinner meal, I do not go out very much now, the noise gets to me, a lot of the places are overheated. At times I can not cut up my food and this is not nice for me. Today was mostly good a lot of noise as it's held in a pub but on the whole not bad. My food was a beef dinner and I expected pieces of beef from a joint, but it was a thick bit of based steak. No cutting needed as it fell apart so tasty I took some back for Summer she enjoyed it very much. A nice day all around. I did not eat as so full till the next day's dinner, then it was only toast.  


Two friends from yesterday's meal came round to see Paul and me, David and Katherine. David used to live in Lincoln then he moved to Great Yarmouth and met up with a past school friend, and they became a lovely couple. They both said they enjoyed the meal, Katherine's first Christmas one. Christmas is the only one I go to now, there are usually 4 a year.


Had a phone call from my doctor, the receptionist said that my heart results are back, and he needs to talk to me tomorrow. I have bean expecting him to phone as I know my heart is not right. I was told this when I broke my wrist in 2020 January. Somehow it got missed and no one apart from the hospital knew about it. You can not blame Covid for everything. I did my best and rung up but in the end, I gave up. He has referred me to the hospital for more tests so wait and see.


Spoke to my Doctor and he said it's a valve that is not right in my heart and will need to be sorted. I will get an appointment to see a  cardiologist soon. I am not really bothered about it, as he said it's not got much worse in the last nearly 2 years. ( they sent the results of my last scan 2020 this time) so it's Wait and see. 


Marzipanned all the cakes so one step closer now, icing in about a week or so. John came round later and we did the Attendance allowance claim form, got it all done many thanks to John again.


The hospital cardiologist phoned up to discuss my heart problem and I will get an appointment as soon as they can sort one out.

My friend Joys' Birthday is today and I am going to see her later. I bought her a musical Christmas Merry go round that play we wish you a Merry Christmas. She loved it as all as Christmas is a joy to her. She is not doing too good at the moment. A good afternoon so all the best joy.


Booster jab today all went well arm is a little tender but does not hurt too much. The Other ARM hurts like hell same spot where the injection went in. That's RSD for you never straightforward. Post claim form so now wait yet another 8 weeks or more. At least John and I have tried. Later that night I felt my arm and there was a very big lump on it. When Andrew came down he felt it and said that's not right. At the time the plaster with the cotton wool was still stuck on hence the lump. After this was taken off hardly a mark or much else to see or feel. Quite funny really.


A lovely Spring-like day warm as well got up to 13C in the afternoon. Bean tidying up the greenhouse and garden. Looks good now all the dead bits and old support canes are gone now. The greenhouse is now empty of plants just watering cans. Just got done and Lindsay and Jamie-Lee came round. Good to see then bean a while as Tommy-Lee got covid and Jamie-Lee got a bad bug. So they all kept away. They stayed for tea a bit after but Jamie-Lee was at school the next day so she had to go home to bed or she would be up late the next day.


Lindsay and Paul going shopping to get Presents for her. When they came back Suey came too Summer was so excited so was Suey they love each other so much.

My best friend Suey.

 Later Suey had a sleep in Summer's basket. She does not mind one bit.

Lovely Suey.


Cleaning up and 2 lots of washing done drying inside as wet again out. Haircut today has got quite long this time. My hair grows outward as well as downwards. So tends to look like afro hair at times. Looks nice now as usual. The red Dragon big crane as Andrew and I call him got dismantled today I think they have finished with him now. Bye, we will miss you. The blue Dragon is still up and working so still one dragon here. The red one might be needed at the front of the site so could be seen again.

Dismantled ready to move on.

How it looks at the bottom of our garden now.

 The riverbank is looking good if not a bit sparse. I think after a Spring the weeds and shrubs will make it look better for us, the ducks and moorhens.

Looking a lot better than it used to, even better when all done.


Woke to a bad headache one-sided and behind my right eye. took most of the day to go. At the dentist today as well. Sitting in the dentist's chair with a bad head is not nice.  Everything ok, so that's good back in six months. Did a bit of Christmas shopping while in town, I tend to get a lot at the same time so fewer trips now. My arm does not hurt now, this injection the booster, was the less painful of the three. I think it depends on who does the injection. I have found that out with my B12 ones. 


Lindsay came round with Jamie-Lee. We played monopoly, or at least we tried. Jamie-Lee was in a bit of a mood and nothing seemed to please her. Andy our neighbour and friend was round, he said do we need the monopoly police to come and sort her out? In the end, we gave up. Lindsay said she was tired, end of the school term now so she can relax a bit. 

Looking after Emmie tonight as well. She was very calm and relaxed as usual. She and Jamie-Lee are very different temperaments, both around the same age. Emmie and I played board games, Later she was tired so I said cuddle up on the settee and rest a bit. Soon after her Dad Squiddey came home, just after ten pm so I headed home to watch Strictly Come Dancing. This is the first series I have watched and have enjoyed it a lot. Rose is deaf and is in the final with Giovanni as her partner. The other finalists are two men, John and  Jonannas, who are also doing very well. Who will win I do not know it could go either way.

Rose and Giovanni won- but it must have bean so close neither Rose nor Giovanni could speak as the tears flowed. In fact, everyone shed a  few tears. Rose said later, that she did it for all the deaf people out there to prove it can be done. Well done Rose.



Happy Birthday, Angela, she came round here for her present and card.

Earlier I had iced all the Christmas cakes and I think they look good. Six in total. Our kitchen is not the biggest and there is not a lot of worktop space. I use the dining room table where they will stay overnight to dry a bit. Good job there are only three of us to use the table for tea.

All done just need to dry now.


A dull dark day but not that cold. Summer and I had a good walk on the common. We met a few of her friends. Put all the cakes in tins ready to go to friends and family. Stickers are on the tins so there will be no mixing them up. One does not have brandy in. Took a picture of my Chinese lantern plant. 

Don't they look pretty no leaves just lanterns.

Lindsay Paul and Jamie-Lee went to another circus this time at the show ground. They all said it was very good. Jamie-Lee won the raffle again like she did at the last circus on the common.


A very frosty start to the day at least it's dry. I would sooner have a cold frosty day than a damp milder day any time.

Going into town today. Wayne is coming for Christmas for certain now. Up to now, he was not sure, probably after Christmas. A shame it's just Wayne, as it would have bean nice to see Kayleigh. Not seen her since 2019 Christmas then I was ill.  Did quite well with presents for them. 


Andy came round with a bottle of sherry and glasses for us to have a Christmas drink. Paul was shopping so just me and Andrew. Quite nice, only half a little glass for me. I have not had sherry for at least thirty years. I have never bean used to drinking much but it was very nice though. Sherry used to be the "in drink" at one time.  Later went round taking presents to relations. Did not get back till nearly eight o'clock. Poor Summer she was two hours late for her tea. We had chip shop chips, very good too, have not had any for ages. 


Cleaning up today. Paul has gone to pick Wayne up from Halifax. They got back around six pm. We had Chinese for tea but only a small one as I did not want leftovers. Good to see Wayne, not seen him since July. After tea, I made some mince pies and jam tarts. I was going to make some small sponge cakes but it got too late as I did not start till nine pm. 


Merry Christmas everyone. Cooking for ten today, Paul prepared all the veg so that was a big help. Everything was cooked just right and we all enjoyed the meal. Jay-Jay and Tommy-Lee said they could have done with a bit more. I was nicely full up hardly had anything else for the rest of the day. Lots of lovely presents as well. 

Merry Christmas from the Pup.

I am going to end my Blog there as I do not think there will be much happening for the next few days. If there is it will go on my next Blog.

Hope you all had a good Christmas and enjoyed it all. All the best to everyone Love Gill.

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