To day, Paul, Lindsay plus the Grandchildren and I, are going to Yorkshire Wildlife Park. The weather is a bit cooler than the past few days but that might be in our favour. There is always a lot of walking to do. As the animals have a lot of space.  Here are some pictures we took.

 Lindsay and the children.

 Whats Tommy-Lee bean up to?

 This Polar Bear was banging the gate, trying to get into the other bears part. He was not very happy. Not sure if it was his mate, or he wanted a fight, Anyway for now they were separated.

  Three little monkeys. 

 I love the way they all stand up and look out for danger.

 Jamie-Lee getting her face painted.
This one Tommy-Lee took I think its a good one, natural

A good day out and we all enjoyed it. Everyone tired now, home for tea I think and to see Summer. She will be pleased to see us. A lot of pain for me but it did not ruin the day.

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