November 1st
Physio today. Usual catch up talk with Martin and the students. Martin had a look at my back and discovered my spine is not straight. I have one vertebrae at the top and one at the bottom out. I was quite surprised as this had not bean picked up before. I have know since my early twenties I had a slight curve to my back. Nothing more than that. When he pressed it it felt very sore. He thinks this is adding to my problems especially the neck pain that affects my shoulder and shooting pain down my arm and also the blackouts I get.
He went on to explain that the top vertebrae controls the neck, top back and shoulders. The bottom one my hips. This makes a lot of sense probably the only sense since getting RSD. Hopefully acupuncture and massage will help this. He said there are no guarantees.
On we went with the treatment six needles this week ears, hands and feet and a very good back massage by one of the students.
Later that night a lot of pain. Shoulders very sore and tender. Hopefully I will feel the benefits tomorrow.
I ache a lot still very tender on my shoulders and back. I have blisters on the under side of my RSD foot I get these a lot. They are very sore and burn. When they burst it spreads them.
Despite this I went into town to get the Lego toy models, free from the Sun newspaper for Jay-Jay and Tommy-Lee. I know I feel better if I can just keep going. I know this has helped me to beat the RSD and kept me out my wheelchair and scooter. A lot of the time it fights back harder than me.
B12 done today (morning) I now have these at two months intervals not three. This stung a lot and I could still feel it at night time. My balance is not good today I an veering to the side almost like I am drunk. Joints are very painful, the pain if some one just touches me or brushes past is crazy.
Pilates, I managed most of the moves but it was painful. My joints are very sore. I had my hair cut and coloured yesterday very good it looks as well. The washing machine has decided it wants a holiday as its not working right.
Still taking a bit of extra morphine but not as much as I have bean. Too much makes me feel bad not able to fusion, as well. Also a far away feeling. Also I look drunk or drugged, it does work well most of the time. This drug was never meant for long term use.
Martin and the team did acupuncture on feet and hands. He went on to look at my back He was very gentle but I don't need much pressure to start the pain off. Martin said my shoulders were like planks very solid and rigid. When he pressed on my back it sent a shooting pain like an electric shock down my arm to my fingers. Two of the team did a nice but painful massage on my back. They said a lot of knots were present. After all was done I headed off home. I felt very far away and felt people were looking at me. I was also very cold.
Later on a lot of pain and spasms. I did not take MORPHINE but IBRUES instead these helped. Back and forth between cold and hot most of the night.
Every part of me felt very sensitive today. Joints still very tender. I knocked my elbow on the door frame and I think that started it off as the pain levels went to a strong ten. Later in the day I knocked my RSD foot and again intense pain. Hot and cold most of the day. Pale as well, more IBRUES. Another dizzy spell in the bathroom I had to lay on the floor. I was quickly joined by Summer who snuggled up to me.
Usual questions by the team. Twelve needles in all - two in back, two in each of my feet, legs and hands. Also four in my ears two in each. I asked him about my spine and what could be done. He said he would help all he could with massage and Acupuncture. He said too much pressure like chiropractic or similar would not help at all and cause me more pain. I agreed with him.
The plan was to go straight home but Paul phoned me to get some rubbing wax from town. Wax bought, I headed for the bus. The one I usually get was full so was the next one. Finally on the bus about half an hour had passed. On the bus I was getting flashing lights the same I have had before but worse. Then I realized that it was a sign in a shop window, relieved. Very tired and in some pain arrived home.
After a while, Paul realized I had lost the Wax. The bus had shot forward and that's when it must have fell out the bag. I was not pleased it cost about nine pound and worse of all I had made a special journey to get it. I rang the bus station it was closed. I will try Monday. I felt that part of the day was a waste.
After my bath later I felt a lot better. A bath always helps pain and muscles. I wish I could stay in longer but the RSD plays up and causes pain. After getting out I felt dizzy again and nearly passed out. I am sure this is some thing to do with my neck cutting off some nerve or other when bending down.
Had a day out at my friends it was her birthday earlier on in the week. A good day it made a change. A lot of joint pain. 5-6 rising to 8 at times. Bad head as well.
Washing machine has now bean fixed and working right.
Lindsay here with the gang.
Summer keeping watch.
Pictures of Jamie-Lee, she looks like a little Shepard.
Jay-Jay and Tommy-Lee were playing hangman and this is what Tommy-lee did-- Jay-Jay could not get it. Tommy said it was easy.

Can you guess what it was?
PUR PIY-- Jay-Jay could not.
It was Pork pie. Like Tommy-Lee said Easy!!
PUR PIY-- Jay-Jay could not.
It was Pork pie. Like Tommy-Lee said Easy!!
Tommy-lee loves Pork pie and him and Lindsay often pinch Pauls.
Eight years today since my dear mum passed away. I never got the chance to say good bye. She spent most her life looking after other people and there lives. When it came time to look after her own life there was no time left. I was told over the years this would get easier. This is not the case. With the grandchildren here now even more so, they would have loved her and my Dad who passed a few weeks later. He would have said, they were rum lads.
Took Summer on the common with he ball this does not happen very often, because it causes me a lot of pain throwing and kicking it for her. Summer got very excited. She loved it and got very mucky but she was happy. The common looks very pretty at this time of the year don't you think?
Summer in the picture.
The common is very wet but so pretty with all the trees golden brown..
Catch up talk, then needles. Martin again did some light presses on my back . This made me feel very spaced out and dizzy. I saw quite a few Martins. I soon recovered and there was only one Martin. A nice massage from two of the students. I think they are realising they have to be extra gentle as not up upset the RSD and cause me more pain.
Going home the far away feeling again. Knees are very sore on the inside. More joint than muscle.
A better day than the past few I have bean having. Pain levels 5-6 spiking to 8 at times. My eyes are very dry and sore using a lot of drops (SNOTEARS) they help a lot. Today I have about fifteen naked men in my kitchen...but I'll mention that later.
Fair night. My body feels like one of the Wooden tops (a 1960's childrens program) very stiff, shooting pains through out my body. I have taken a lot of IBRUES too many. BUT I am still in pain.
Lindsay is here with the boys and Jamie-Lee. Jay-Jay and Tommy-Lee are playing up. Jamie-Lee is also unsettled. Not a good day.
Tommy-Lee is playing with the scalectic car set and Summer is chasing the cars. Very funny.
Tommy-Lee with summer.
Let me get that car.
Keep still while I get hold of you.
Summer Moss is the name, car racing is the game.
My back feels like someone has wrenched it apart and put me on a stretch rack. My head ache has calmed now a bit though.
Sincil Bank is very high with all the rain (small drain that flows off main river)
Poor ducks.
The water levels have just gone up and up because of the rain we have bean getting. We are better off that some areas. Some have lost every thing in the floods.
Not a good day I feel very down. Pain spasms just about every where. I just wish this pain would go and not come back. People with other things get better even terminal illness. I am left to suffer this. I know other people do as well, but I bet most of them feel the same as I do.
Gave in and took extra MORPHINE , I know my body craves this. As usual this took some of the pain and spasms away at a cost . Too high to care not able to think properly as the amount I now need to take goes up every time.
Saw Dr Metta later in the day. He has increased my GABBERPENTIN to 3x300mg in the morning 2x300 at dinner 3x300 at night. An extra 900mg a day. He thinks this will help as it will relax my body as well.
The rest of the day a blur not able to function. If this does not help he will increase my 12 hour MORPHINE OXYCONTIN. I hate to be all this stuff but I think its the cold weather that's making me worse.
I did my best quite painful but hopefully it will help loosen up my stiff painful little body. Bad head again. Sore eyes too. Later on a bit looser. I know pilates help, but at the time it can hurt a lot. Jo is very understanding as she recovered from a painful illness her self. She gives me alternative moves when I am struggling.
Physio again this soon comes round. Today Martin did the usual needles and had some thing new for me to try. Auricular acupuncture ear needling. Little pins that stop in my ears five in all. They look like ear studs type you used to get with pierced ears. The hurt a bit going in but no more than the acupuncture itself. My ear felt very hot and looked red.
These are the needles that were in my ears. Two have come out. I did not get a picture when all five were in. I know Martin did. I might still be able to show you.
Later when having my massage I blacked out, bad head and away with the fairies. I have taken very little extra MORPHINE today so that is not the cause. The team and Martin looked after me very well it must be a little scary for them having some one black out. Martin said it would best if Paul picked me up. I was very unsteady on my feet and very white and cold.
After a sit down I felt a little better. I think these black out are getting more frequent. Late pm early am I felt a lot better but very tired. Had a bath and went to bed about 5.30.
That's the blog for this month. As you can see a bit mixed. Hope you are all having a good spell. For those who were thinking, the men in the kitchen were Action men figures.
Love Gill.
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