Pilates went better than it has for a while. I enjoyed the session more this time.
We went to a Car Boot Sale in the afternoon. Not as many stalls there this week, weather not as good as last time.
I don't feel as spaced out as I have bean. My left hip feels a bit sore though. Still getting a lot of spasms but not as strong or as long lasting, or at least most of the time. My arm where it was grazed is slow in healing and still bleeding. My foot where the inflamed veins are is sore.
Summer pups birthday today. Happy Birthday baby! Already two years old and still as sweet as ever, more so I think any way. She had a good day, got a new teddy and one she got last week. She loves the squeaky ones and presses them with her nose or paw to get them to squeak. She is very clever.
An average night with sleep and spasms, not too much pain. The moor hens nest that got washed away (mentioned in the last blog) are rebuilding another one in the same place. I told them that was not a good thing to do, but I doubt they will understand me . If we have more rain the same thing will happen again.
A strange night not pain or spasms so much, but felt hot and cold more than usual. It might be something to do with the DIAZEPAN stopping. I feel that most now has left my system and I am able to function better. Headaches also improved. I think the extra pain tablets are helping. Less pain all round most of the time but I still wish I did not have to take so many.
Tablets I take daily:
ALENDRONIC ACID -70mg once a week for OSTEOPROSIS.
CYANOCOBALAMIN- 1mg every 2 months for B 12 deficiency.
DIHYDROCODEINE- 30mg up to 8 a day for pain.
OMEPRAZOLE 20MG- 1 a day to protect my stomach against the tablets I take.
ORAMORPH 10mg/5ml- taken as needed ( a lot sometimes) for break through pain.
OXYCODONE 1omg/NALOXONE 5mg- 2 a day 12 hours apart slow release. For Pain.
PEPPERMINT OIL- o.2m - 3 a day for IBS.
SNO TEARS 1.4% EYE DROPS- As needed for dry eyes most days.
FERROUS FUMARATE 210mg- 3 a day for very low iron. (Not aways taken upset stomach)
GABAPENTIN 300mg- 6 a day for nerve pain.
IBUPROFEN 400mg- Up to 8 a day for pain.
LAXIDO ORANGE- Oral power for constipation (side affect of tablets). When needed.
TIGER BALM- I use a lot of this for muscle pain.
BIO FREEZE - Also used for muscle pain.
As you can see quite a lot but most people with RSD are on this much or more.
Lindsay here with the boys, bean doing a lot of toy sewing for them mending things and making clothes for Teddy's and Monkeys.
The moor hens have changed there minds and have not make the nest in the same place. Maybe she did under stand after all. Good job too as the water levels has risen and if they had done, it would have bean washed away again.
Hip pain quite bad still, right one as well but I think its bean taking the weight of the other one so has decided to complain as well. Shoulders are very painful again I think that's because of the sewing. If I keep mobile hopefully they both will ease up. Took a few IBUPROFEN.
A better day with less pain, everywhere looser. Moor hens are making another nest closer to the side still not that safe but better. I think she is desperate to have her chicks. I hope all goes well this time.
The new nest.
Moor hen chicks have hatched out. I did not think this was possible but a man who knows about wild life said it was. I am not so sure. She has four pretty little ones. I am so pleased.
Aah sweet
In town for a few bits. I feel more myself again after stopping taking DIAZEPAN. Even though it caused a lot of trouble I think it loosened things up a bit. The side effects out way any good they did though. I could not have stayed on them.
Bad news - the moor hens nest got attacked by a cat and it got one, if not two of the chicks. When I came back from the common they were making a lot of noise and I knew something was wrong. The moor hens swam off with the two remaining chicks. Poor little things, how bad can it get for them. They have bean so unlucky but that's nature.
When I took Summer for her morning walk the moor hens were there with 3 chicks. I am so pleased, I know she lost one but it was nice to see she still had the other three. The swans were there as well with their babies. They have grown a lot.
Pilates went well the best for a long time. I still can't get my arms up all the way to do all the moves, but managed just about all the leg ones and managed them well. Joints are still not good a lot of pain.
Summer's night time walk and the moor hens are back on the old nest. Away from the bank. They are not taking any chances with the other chicks. Clever little birds.
Notice the two duck minders just in case the cat turns up again.
Going with Lindsay today for a baby scan, so up at 7.30, about an hour earlier than usual time. The baby is fine and Lindsay Is feeling better as well now her tablets have bean changed. Jay-Jay and Tommy-Lee went as well. Jay-Jay was very interested but Tommy-Lee was not. He said he saw it last time.
After the hospital they all came back here. the boys had a water fight with there new guns. Everyone got wet and they got very excited. Jay-Jay came running in and knocked the door straight on to my right hand just where the bony bit sticks out above the wrist. Very painful my hand swelled up straight away.
Late pm hand quite swollen up very painful. I think the RSD has locked on to it. You would think with all the pain tablets I take I would not feel this as much but its not the case. In fact its the other way round. Any pain is made worse, doubled or even tripled. I have taken extra MORPHINE to cope with this.
Hand very swollen up my knuckles have disappeared may be I have cracked a bone. My hand is very shiny and dark also very hot. Still painful. Lindsay and the boys are here, Suey as well. They walked down (well the boys are on there scooters), about a mile and half may be more. We played hide and seek upstairs. Good fun. When I am feeling good I can play more with them.
After a good dinner I don't know where the boys put it all. We all went to the park so they could have a good run around. Gave us a rest too. All too soon it was time for them to go. they all walked home as well. Quite a long way for little feet, they are just eight and (nearly) six.
Hand very cold today still painful but less than it was, so long as I don't press down or grip things. I still need to keep it moving so the RSD does not take a liking to it. A easy day today watered the garden and green house, toms doing well had a few already. Cooked tea and put together a few Lego models.
Fair night. Joints very stiff and still a head ache. I am sure a lot is from the stormy air we have bean having. The swelling to my hand has gone quite a bit, just swollen on the right side. The bit that hit the door. After the walk on the common I felt quite a lot looser in my joints and even my head felt a little better.
Spoke to Doctor Metta on the phone, a newish thing our surgery has started. You phone up and speak to a Doctor and if he thinks you need to see him he will arrange it for that day. A good idea as you don't have to leave the house a lot of the time and gives the Doctors more time for the patients he has to see. He was pleased the tablet increase had helped with the pain. I told him my inflamed veins were a lot better as well. Still to carry on using the cream. I asked him about my hand and he agreed that it sounded like it could be cracked or chipped.
Pilates - I did quite well again still not able to do any arms over my head moves yet, but most of the others I managed. Still getting of lot of spasms not lasting as long but painful all the same.
The pain from my foot made me cry, what did I do? Dropped a piece of Parmesan cheese on it yes cheese, three inches long by an inch wide. Laugh if you like it is funny in a way. My two biggest toes swelled straight up and burnt like fire, typical RSD. People with RSD will know only too well about this. Others you don't have RSD will properly find this hard to under stand. Here is a link http://fightingrsd.com to a good RSD web site also on the main page right hand side. This explains RSD quite well, better than I could and I have had it eight years.
The air feels a little better as we have had a storm and a good down pour. This hopefully will help with my headaches.
Swelling of toes has gone down but toes are bruised. The hand that got hit by the door has now got a very big mosquito bite on it. The bites I got a few weeks ago have only just gone. At the moment I seem to be getting a few extra painful things I could do with out. That's the thing about walking Summer at night is, all the insects are out and looking for a bite. At least they are not as big as the ones abroad.
Awake early even though I did not go to bed till 5.30 and even then I did not sleep well. A very warm day.Wayne and Will are here they arrived last night. We have a wedding today, Helen and Chris. Wayne and Will are going to the blessing renewal of vows.
We are all going to the reception tonight. Helen and Chris actually got married last week as mentioned on the last blog. This was a celebration for all the friends and family that did not attend the one in Mauritius.
The reception was good Helen and Chris both looked very smart and happy.
Yummy cakes.
Blow up dolls on a wedding night?
The Music was loud and the vibrations caused me a lot of pain. I had to go and sit outside it was still very warm and very pleasant . Once out there I shook a lot and the pain was terrible. I sat out side with Wayne for a while but it became clear that the RSD had won this time.
Paul and I decided that it was time to go. After saying our good byes then headed home. I was pleased the venue was only ten minutes away . Once home I was able to have some MORPHINE. Wayne and Will stayed. I was pleased I was able to go and at least we stayed a while about three hours so pretty good. The bride and groom were very happy to see us.
Pain about back to normal levels. We are going out for dinner. Much better than me having to cook. Every one had a good meal. Wayne and Paul had a twelve inch hot dog meal. Will had steak and I had a mixed grill. It was very good.
Soon it was time for Wayne and Will to go back home. The weekend had bean great despite the pain.
Today is the day I have bean waiting for- PHYSIO and ACUPUNCTURE. I saw a man called Nav, he was very nice. We talked for a while and he asked me how I thought ACUPUNCTURE helped me in the past (He had already read my notes from the last PHYSIO that did the massage). I said its better that any thing else I have had so long as it kept constant, and went on to explain about Wietse and the last seven years.
Nav said that's where is the problem is as I can not do long term ACUPUNCTURE. Cutbacks again. He carried on talking and asked about what treatment and who I was seeing now consultant or Doctor. I said none and explained about the pain clinic. He said Lincoln was not the best for chronic pain treatment. Nearby Hospitals (about an hour plus away) were better and he would have words with Dr Metta straight away and see what could be done to help me.
I was disappointed to say the least as I was putting all my hopes on this. I know its no use to me starting and stopping ACUPUNCTURE. This still felt like a kick in the teeth or another door shut in my face. The times I have wished I had a different condition to what I have got. One that's easier to treat. I now need to wait again to see what the next move is.
Pilates was quite good still not able to do all the arms moves did all the others, but a lot of pain and spasms at times. For the past few days I have had a lot of joint pain again. Whole body quite painful at times. After taking Summer on her common walks, generally I feel a bit looser, but not all the time. At the moment PAIN is the enemy. I think for the past eight years it has bean.
Later Helen came to do my hair we talked as she cut and styled, mostly about the wedding. They both loved the nut and bolt figurine we got them, also the glasses and picture frame. Wayne and Will got them a traditional picnic basket. They are using that this weekend hopefully, if the weather is good.
Wildlife Park trip - I'll put this in a separate post which will be published later in the month.
Jay-Jay said he had a good sleep ( he stopped the night after yesters days trip.) but strange without Tommy-Lee. They share a room with bunk beds. I feel very tired and heavy headed again. Almost spaced out. We are going on holiday on Sunday so a few things to do be for we go. Watering the green house, washing and ironing. Of course packing.
Lindsay and the boys are here but not Suey. Summer was disappointed, but she will be staying with Lindsay while we are away. We are going to Amsterdam for a few days to see Andrew.
Seemed very strange when we took her round to Lindsay's house later on. I kept looking for her in the early hours of the morning then realised she was not here.
We are setting off about ten tomorrow. So thought it would be best if she stayed there the night then I did not have to walk her and she would not get upset when she saw the cases.
The Amsterdam holiday will be also on a separate blog later in the month.
That's August blog, it does not seem possible, maybe now its the end of Summer we will get some better weather. To think we had a drought warning earlier on in the year.
Hope thing are good with you all. I am told many times of Karma. So if I am getting mostly bad days some one must be getting some good ones.
All the best,
Love Gill.