Sandy - A Tribute - Part One
Sandy lost her life June 8th 2010 sixteen years old she had a very good life. A lot of people said she was a special little lady, she was to me. We all miss her very much she was loved by every body you came in touch with her. She will be greatly missed. Rest in peace darling.
Here is a tribute to her as she grew up.
Sandys Dad

Sandys Mum

Sandy on the first day we got her
she was 4" high 7" long tiny.

She is the one in the middle.

First day.

Sandy- first christmas.

First Holiday.



First Birthday - one of her toys.

First Birthday.

Her first snow she did not know what to make of it.

Chilling out.

Her 3rd Birthday.

Christmas. The coat she hated I had to take it back to the shop. She refused to go for a walk in it.

Back to younger days.

On holiday, getting some fuss which happens a lot.

Sandy on her holidays.

Getting in on the act.

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