One step forward, two back, one more forward.


I have a real bad head today, the weather is very stormy and hot. Pain is still down about 4-5 but shoulders are stiff and painful.


My son Wayne is here for a few days so that will be good, he has no computer to sort out either this time. I hope the hot weather keeps up.


Woke with very sore eyes, they are very dry used SNOTEARS that made them feel a bit better. I feel dizzy a few minutes after standing up and a sick feeling. My body temperature is going though extreme changes. When changes are this bad it is almost as bad as the pain.


Last weekly B12 injection today then they go to monthly, this one stung like the rest but not for long. I have still got very sore eyes. I went to Pilates I think I am getting better at most of the exercises and I even manage to relax.


I pulled my neck by looking up to a shelf, the pain shot to my head like a knife being thrust in it, also the pain went down my arm temporarily paralysing it.


Physio today Wietse did usual I had 13 needles in total around head, neck and ears the average being 10. Wietse massaged my neck and shoulders as they are very tight it really did hurt he kept stopping to get me to breath. The muscles that are causing the problems and pain are called the TRAPEZIUS muscles.


My neck feels a lot better as not as stiff but it is still painful from massage. Pain levels are up a bit today mainly shoulders, but knees and elbows hurt as well.


5 years today since the fall it is 3.45 am I am in a lot of pain I am just sat here crying wondering why all this has happened to me. Was I so bad in a past life and this is my punishment or am I just bad ? I slept less than normal I just laid there thinking how it used to be. Paul and I went to Mapplethorpe for the day I needed to do something, it was a good day walked too much and paid for it later with a lot of extra pain but was enjoyable and it took my mind off other things.


In town today, the scooter always make my shoulders hurt. I have double vision while reading or watching television not too good when I see two of everything this makes it very difficult to read and look up phone numbers. The TV I am not too bothered about.
I leaned forward in the cupboard and bashed the top of my nose causing it to bleed. Pain levels are up a bit more about 6-7 I think this is because of the hot and stormy weather we are having. All this lovely weather and I am in too much pain to enjoy it, but that's RSD, always out to get me. I had a lay down and felt a bit better.


Not a good nights sleep again, because of the pain took H CODEINE. Physio again Wietse did acue without the electrics. I had a good talk to him he said I did not look too good and need to go to bed every day for hour to rest or I will end up in hospital again. I feel like I have bean thrown from a tall building everything hurts.


My hands are dropping things mostly the right one I think the carpal tunnel is playing up again I have spilt a lot of hot drinks, mostly on my legs. I am still in a lot of pain with the right wrist. Where I bumped my nose is swollen and sore also my eyes are swollen and dark.


Doctors today, he has stopped water tablets, they seamed to have done there job. He will restart them if ankles and legs swell up again. I asked him about double vision he thinks a side affect of tablets or exhaustion, I have had a recent eye test so its not actual eye problems. Bad spasms in my feet and legs in the night and early morning.


A kind lady has given me a magnetic bracelet to try for pain relief to see if it helps, you never know it might I might have hit on a cure if only it was that easy


The pain is going down again back to about a 3-4. So I feel a lot better. I looked after my grandchildren for the afternoon we made pirate hats and coins. They also had a sword fight; I think they had a good time I did.

While its still good weather, I did a bit more gardening. I have bean wearing a wrist support on my right wrist this helps it. I had a lay down, you never know when Wietse is watching. I always feel more tired afterward. I am still not sleeping any better during the night. Paul has gone to Wayne's for a few days to help him do some decorating so its just me Andrew and Sandy.


Last night I took of my blanket guard to see if my foot would stand the weight or go into a pain and spasm session, guess what I went all night with it off no extra pain and just a few spasms. The quilt felt a bit strange, as used to a tunnel affect and cold feet in winter. I still have a lot of pain in right wrist. All my joints ache, I hope I am not getting something.


Again left off guard but this night woke in pain moved foot around a found a better position but did not sleep much. Had a lay down in the afternoon, but feel quite tired as I probably only got about two hours sleep last night..
Pilate's, I have found that I can do the exercise that involve just one movement any more my brain just seems to shut down and I have to stop and restart but I think it will get easier I can only hope.


I have put guard back on my bed as foot is playing up without it. Pain level are still fairly good but I am having pain spikes quite a lot. Physio again, Wietse did normal acue no electrics, he said I locked a lot better than last time. I told him I was going to bed every day for an hour he was pleased with me.

Well that's July gone, I don't know what happened to the very hot weather we were predicted for the whole summer but never mind. I hope every body is enjoying some good weather and alot less pain.

Love Gill.

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