We have had lots of snow, my little dog does not know what to make of it. Its deep in places, 3" to 4", as she is only little it comes up to her belly. I love the snow, it makes every thing look so fresh and clean even all the rubbish is covered up. Not too good if you are driving in it though.

I am having a lot of pain in my foot when its placed on the ground and when walking, extra H CODINE and IBRUES. Sleep is not really any better about four hour straight if I have a good night, bad nights sometimes just a few minutes. Still falling asleep during the day only for a few min's at a time, my body will take what rest it can even stood up or riding on the bus. If it was a good long sleep it might help.
My body temperature has gone crazy - hot sweating then cold and shaking. Half of me will be ice cold, the other half red hot. My foot is very sensitive so are my shoulders and neck.
More snow about another 2" over night.
Awake most of night I have a bad throat its got white patches and covered in yellow gunk, it makes me cough.
Started on CLONIDINE (2 morning, 2 night) today to see if it works better than PROBATHINE I will try for a week. My legs are so cold its pain full, put on tights under trousers to see if that helps.
My throat is still bad now, my head cheeks hurt and I think it could be my sinus.
Taken off tights as did not do much to warm up legs only started them itching. My right leg is blue and ice cold, left leg a bit warmer. Shoulder and arms very cold also.
Physio today.
Wietse put needles in neck he did not touch my foot as too pain full.
I feel very down at the moment with all this pain and hot and cold spells.
Its not too good a time at the moment may be its the cold or just RSD.
My birthday but as usual RSD spoils things I am in extra pain today lots of extra tablets. I feel very spaced out and far away. I got lots of nice presents loads of chocolate, a WII game - Raving Rabbids a very strange game but very funny, some bath things, money, Scottie dog ornament and lots of cards.
Also I had a few visitors. All in all a pleasant day apart from the non relenting pain.
Did some gardening today resting then doing some more I am pleased to say I got it all done.
CLONDINE is working better than PROBANTHINE for sure, still getting sweats and ice cold attacks but not as bad.
Doctors today told him about CLONDINE he said that was fine to take it again, as it seems to work. I asked about throat he said he thinks its sinus problems may be a slight infection, but not giving me any antibiotics as immune system is bad enough already. I need blood tests next time I told him about far away spells he said he thinks its still exhaustion though lack of sleep and pain.
Chronic fatigue clinic were thinking of taking me on as a patient for advice and support I spoke to them on the phone with a promise of another call to let me know. My doctor revived a letter telling him they could not take me as they did not know enough about RSD, it would have bean nice if they had contacted me as well.
Counseling today. I have realised that not every thing that happens is my fault, she said for the first time I have opened up.
I feel very tired, my foot is swollen and giving way a lot of the time neck and shoulders are very stiff may be not as much pain today which is real good.
Physio Wietse did usual acue in neck, also very gently massaged my foot it hurt a lot and kept going into spasm's, talked about RSD and what had bean happening in the last week.
Had another weird session with feeling really spaced out eyes barely open felt like my head was four times bigger than it was, very unstable on feet and slurring words almost like I was drunk. I had taken a few extra tablets but no more than I should but had extra pain today so they were very much needed. I now have a swollen and black eye from the sinus trouble the pain has eased a little.
I feel a lot better today more with it and not as much pain properly the best day for a while.
Went to see my sister in law Pam the one that had the stroke and brain hemorrhage, she is making progress even if it is slow, and hoping to come home soon.
Pain in toes really bad today, they feel like they are broken, my foot is swollen so is my leg up to thigh. The whole leg is blue and motley in colour.
Very painful spasm's during night, in both legs right leg is very tight I have to be careful how I walk as toes are spasming up also.
My brother in law(Malc) had a mild heart attack today ( Husband of Pam). And he is in hospital, having tests, I wish them both the strength to recover. I went to see them both but had to do a lot of walking as they are at opposite ends of the hospital. Went to see Pam first she was not there as she had gone to see Malc, after a rest set off to see Malc, near the ward I saw Pam who was coming back in her electric chair, I said I would see her later. After visiting them both I was in a lot of pain and I still had to get home. After taking yet more pain relief I managed to get home all most in tears with the pain. After a good rest the pain died down a bit I still felt horrible.
I feel very stiff after all the extra walking and still in a fair bit of pain.
A lot a pain when I was putting on my boot in toes.
We learnt that my nephew has got cancer he is 24.
Not a very good month this time can things get better ?? Yes they can. They must.
Bye till next time love Gill
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