Part 1- THE GOOD - 6Th -8Th July

I have bean having a few good days. Yes, good days; not too many bad spasms, pain levels 4-5, have even bean able to reduce tablets, most days taking 14( and vit c, cod liver oil & gingko biloba) some times with a bit extra, for pain mostly ibuprofen.

Tues 8Th

Went to running club on my bike, went round with the faster runners, on road for a while then, off road round the lakes it was a nice summer night, I had on my new cycle shorts, which make you feel like you have a nappy on, and walk like John Wayne, but saying that I did not feel saddle sore after the ride.

That night I biked around 13-14 miles about 10 miles peddling, the rest electric,

I felt really good, for the first time at the club on my bike, I felt I actually belonged, not just a spare part, it is nice to be part of something that is not RSD treatment related in any way.

When I got home I still felt good, in fact I was buzzing

I still did not sleep any better though.

The next day no more pain than usual.

Physio to day 11.30

Went as all ways to get my first bus,it was early for a change so I got into town, well in time for my next bus about, 15 min, so I leaned against the wall and waited.

When the bus came, I walked towards it and said hello to the driver [its the same one every week with p.c coaches] and felt very light headed so I held on to the bus, driver asked me if I was OK, I said how I felt, he said sit down, then we were off.

After a few Minutes I felt all right again.

On arriving at physio and standing up I felt light headed again but not as bad as before

Driver asked me if I was OK and said see you later, I said good bye, and started to walk to physio.

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